How can I access the full text of an article?


To ensure access to the subscribed library resources, please note these 3 things:

a. Access it from Library Portal > Resources > Databases.

b. Check if the URL has an ezproxy access. 

c. On the actual database page, there should be some notes like "access provided by Nazarbayev University"; "access provided by NU"; or "access provided by NU Library". 

Additionally, kindly follow these steps to ensure access to subscribed library resources on and off campus. 


  1. Enter your keywords/title/author or a combination on the central search box in the portal.
  2. Limit your results on the left side menu. 
  3. In your search results, the full-text articles appear with a link under the description with "PDF", "HTML" or "Open Fulltext" options. Click on either to access the article.
  4. Login using your NU login and password when required.


  1. Go to the main menu Resources > Databases.
  2. Find the database from in the list. 


  1. Enter journal name on the central search box in the portal.
  2. Search for the journal title. You can also use the ISSN when searching if possible.
  3. Check the availability. This includes the inclusive years subscribed by NU Library. 

Technical Issues

If you get a message Bad request, Error 404 or others, try to clear cookies and browser history for all time. You may have a different issue, please find the possible causes and the solution on the link below.

You can also check Status of the database.

If nothing of the above works, please contact us through chat or email us at with a detailed description of the error and screenshots.

  • Last Updated Dec 19, 2023
  • Views 700
  • Answered By Yelizaveta Kamilova

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