How to return a book using the self-service station and Book Drop?
When I try to return the books I have borrowed using the self-station machine on the 2nd or 3rd floors, there is an error message
No registration is required to return a book that you have borrowed in the self-service station.
- It is recommended to return the book to the correct floor, which is where you originally borrowed the book from.
- Try to return the books one by one.
- Try to change the position of the book slightly. Sometimes the scanner can't read the book properly.
If everything fails, then contact a member of staff at the Circulation desk to return the book.
In case the Library is closed but you want to return a book, you may use Book Drop located on the first floor in Block 5.
Instruction on return is indicated on machines.
Users are not allowed to do shelving or leave the book on a desk near the self-station machine.
NOTE: Self-stations are temporarily unavailable. Please refer to the Circulation Desks on the 2nd and 3rd floors