How do I access library databases?


To access databases, please visit the library website and find the menu Search the Collection > Databases



Databases are arranged in alphabetical order. You can filter them by subject, type, or even search by title. Each database has different requirements, so read the description under the database carefully. 

Databases are accessible on and off campus. Please take note of the following in accessing databases:

  1. Access through the library portal
  2. Any notes include "access provided by NU; access provided by Nazarbayev University; or access provided by NU Library".

When asked, you have to enter your NU credentials <university login email and password>.

If you forgot your password, reset it or submit a request to IT at

  • Last Updated Oct 15, 2024
  • Views 140
  • Answered By Teaching & Learning Librarians T&L librarians

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